Monday 1 September 2014

Pope John XXIII was a part of the Scar Clan.

Pope John XXIII was a part of the Scar Clan.
Not at all like Pius XII, before him, Il Papa XXIII, (Angel John, as some called Pope John XXIII in our rustic boondocks,) was not from privileged or official class, as most popes may be.
He was conceived Giuseppe Angelo Roncalli. He was from the soil, staying established there his whole life. His guardians were tenant farmers, raising 14 kids. Holy messenger John was their firstborn.
Despite the fact that Giuseppe Angelo at age 11 was sent far from the solace of his mother and sisters ... to study in Rome, despite the fact that he was subsequently presented to the clanks of religious legislative issues amongst prelates there, he kept to his radical that is, the hearty estimations of town individuals from Sotto il Monte, who day by day did not attempt to secure moving holy messengers on heads of pins,but rather an individuals, curved in hard work, remaining at day's end with hands at waists viewing the bend of sun and the color of sky to see what climate tomorrow would bring... an individuals who appealed to God for simply the perfect measure of downpour, an individuals who dreaded ice... for their lives were given to their living products... also the bodies and souls those products would nourish.

Thusly of scrying the future, administering to the living, was solid inside John XXIII. A tenant farmer rancher does not over-laud recipe, yet rather moves with what yields require in each one season. Ranchers don't purify dead structures; rather, they feed and bless the living.
Pope John, along these lines, knew the distinction between what can live and what can't live, not just in light of the fact that his initial life taught him thus, additionally in light of the fact that he had, as an extremely young person, dropped into smoldering heck in "the place where there is the dead"... not as a vacationer, not as a "guest," not for a day, yet for a whole year. Not the cleaned up "place that is known for the dead" where dignitaries make stately visits, lifeless affirmations, then come back to their extravagances...
Rather, this junior soul who would be pope was drenched in an unrelieved unpleasantness up close: what, on account of the colossal loss of lives, was once called the war to end all wars: WWI.
Envision in our time 10 new weapons for killing individuals, alarming in their extension, dangerous exact in their debilitating, killing. In WWI, the most current weapons were steel and iron tanks case over motors, flying dirigibles dropping bombs from the sky, toxic substance gas showered from the air in an advanced development: planes. All these were put into utilization as Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, partnered with Austria, attacked France, Great Britain, Russia and Italy.
A huge number of youngsters would not move at their weddings. They would rather lie unmarried, unwived, unchildrened, in graves all over Europe.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Dark Scar clan

The Dark Scar clan was an ancient orcish clan which was destroyed during the Blood River War. The only known person that took part in this war was Kash'drakor, who wielded the legendary [Serathil]. 

Nothing else is known about the Dark Scar clan other than an obscure piece of lore from the Orc campaign from War Craft III: The Frozen Throne.

Thursday 26 July 2012


Scars are areas of fibrous tissue (fibrosis) that replace normal skin after injury. A scar results from the biological process of wound repair in the skin and other tissues of the body. Thus, scarring is a natural part of the healing process. With the exception of very minor lesions, every wound (e.g. after accident, disease, or surgery) results in some degree of scarring. An exception to this is animals with regeneration, which do not form scars and the tissue will grow back exactly as before.

Scar tissue is the same protein (collagen) as the tissue that it replaces, but the fiber composition of the protein is different; instead of a random basketweave formation of the collagen fibers found in normal tissue, in fibrosis the collagen cross-links and forms a pronounced alignment in a single direction. This collagen scar tissue alignment is usually of inferior functional quality to the normal collagen randomised alignment. For example, scars in the skin are less resistant to ultraviolet radiation, and sweat glands and hair follicles do not grow back within scar tissue. A myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack, causes scar formation in the heart muscle, which leads to loss of muscular power and possibly heart failure. However, there are some tissues (e.g. bone) that can heal without any structural or functional deterioration.

Tuesday 10 January 2012


A clan is a group of people united by actual or perceived kinship and descent. Even if lineage details are unknown, clan members may be organized around a founding member or apical ancestor. The kinship-based bonds may be symbolical, whereby the clan shares a "stipulated" common ancestor that is a symbol of the clan's unity. When this ancestor is not human, it is referred to as an animalian totem. Clans can be most easily described as tribes or sub-groups of tribes. The word clan is derived from 'clann' meaning 'family' in the Irish and Scottish Gaelic languages. The word was taken into English about 1425 as a label for the tribal nature of Irish and Scottish Gaelic society. The Gaelic term for clan is fine . Clans preceded more centralized forms of community organization and government; they are located in every country. Members may identify with a coat of arms or other symbol to show they are an independent clan.

Friday 26 August 2011


Scars are areas of fibrous tissue (fibrosis) that replace normal skin after injury. A scar results from the biological process of wound repair in the skin and other tissues of the body. Thus, scarring is a natural part of the healing process. With the exception of very minor lesions, every wound (e.g. after accident, disease, or surgery) results in some degree of scarring. An exception to this is animals with regeneration, which do not form scars and the tissue will grow back exactly as before.

Sherratt et al, explain that scar tissue is the same protein (collagen) as the tissue that it replaces, but the fiber composition of the protein is different; he explains that instead of a random basketweave formation of the collagen fibers found in normal tissue, in fibrosis the collagen cross-links and forms a pronounced alignment in a single direction. This collagen scar tissue alignment is usually of inferior functional quality to the normal collagen randomised alignment. For example, scars in the skin are less resistant to ultraviolet radiation, and sweat glands and hair follicles do not grow back within scar tissue. A myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack, causes scar formation in the heart muscle, which leads to loss of muscular power and possibly heart failure. However, there are some tissues (e.g. bone) that can heal without any structural or functional deterioration.